Words and pixels by M. Scott Smith

From the Less Mature Files 🔗

As an undergraduate in college, I served as a columnist for the student newspaper. As columnist, I contributed weekly columns that could alternatively be described as "dumb" or "mildly amusing." In reality, my silly writings generated quite a few fans (although I would stop short of saying "legions of fans") and, invariably, offended at least a few people or professions each week.

Of course, I am far more mature today.

Former Drexel grads have asked over the years for copies of my columns, and for several years after I graduated, I was told by the system administrator of the Computer Science Department at Drexel that my web page -- populated with copies of those columns -- remained one of the most-visited web pages in the department. Scary. I also received correspondence from across the world either praising -- or criticizing -- some of my writings.

I still have most of the columns I wrote, in pre-edited format (I had to let the newspaper staff earn their pizza), and since my newspaper column shares the same name as my new Weblog, I suppose it doesn't hurt to re-run some of them in these spaces. So over the next couple weeks I'll drag some classics out of the bit pile.

I would just like to point out in advance that all of these columns are satire.

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  3. Past Yonder

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