Deep thoughts (and photos) by M. Scott Smith

More Shots from DC 🔗

I didn't just take photographs of the International Pillow Fight Day in Washington, DC on April 4, 2009. I also took some shots that didn't involve pillows. A selection follows.

The closest I get to shooting a self portrait is catching my reflection somewhere.

Notice the great skill with which I hold the camera, though. Holding a camera this deftly requires years and years of experience.

I like that this next shot has so many layers, even if it makes the photo seem busy at first. You see reflections of people behind me, people within the bus looking out, people across from the bus looking into the bus, and then people inside a bus even further in the background.

Wait, I said these shots didn't involve pillow fighting, right? Well, in that case, I assure you these feathers have nothing to do with pillow fighting. I'm sure there was some kind of goose accident on the National Mall.

Sometimes a blown out photo turns out quite good.



A really short woman, or a really tall man? You decide!


Stand back!


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