Deep thoughts (and photos) by M. Scott Smith

Another Round of Shots from Jackson Hole, Wyoming 🔗

It's time for another installment of photos from my recent trip to Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park.




A fellow classmate from the Photography at the Summit Workshop demonstrating how photography is not always comfortable. But you think it was comfortable getting this shot of the uncomfortable photographer? No sir. I had to uncomfortably stand on my head while balancing my camera precariously on the back of a possibly rabid squirrel who would simply not sit still, while an elderly gentleman nearby bounced pebbles and tree bark off my nose for no discernable reason.

This was apparently all part of the workshop, but I'm still not sure what point was being demonstrated.

And that is the fake story behind the story.

Bob Smith, one of the instructors (who currently manages Tom Mangelsen's Images of Nature archive), provides tips to a student early one cold morning.


The following was not an easy shot to get. The strength of ants is just astounding.

It might not look it, but this next shot is a light painting. It was pretty dark when I took this photo.

I sort of liked the geometry in this shot.



The infamous Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in downtown Jackson. However, the market continued to crash during the course of the workshop. By the end of the week, this was simply the Ten Thousand Dollar Cowboy Bar.

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