Shots and words by M. Scott Smith

Shot of the Day: Deer Valley 🔗

I spent the afternoon skiing at Deer Valley, Utah. I did not take my fancy camera. No. All I had was my iPhone, whose photographic controls consist of a button that you push to take the picture. So this is the best I could do:

Also, it was cold. So very cold. About 10 degrees Fahrenheit with occasional gusts (no, jet engine blasts) of wind pummeling against my face. Don't let the blue sky fool you; it was snowing most of the time.

If I sound like I'm whining, I'm not. The skiing was great and Deer Valley is awesome. They take service to unheard of levels, and have been rated the top ski resort in North America two years running. They're also one of the last resorts left to ban snowboarders. It was very strange, skiing for an hour and then suddenly realizing: there are no snowboarders!

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